Monday, July 7, 2008

My First Car

That is right!! Grandpa bought me my first car. Red, convertible, and leather interior. Now I just need to learn how to drive it (with my feet that is).

Me and My Grandpa

Me and My Grandpa

My First Fourth of July

My Grandpa came to visit, and we celebrated my first fourth of July. I also got my first balloon that day. Who knew that a balloon could provide hours of fun.

I am teething

I had my first teething biscuit, and it was messy. I had to take a bath after eating it. As you can see I can see I got all over.

Friday, July 4, 2008

My Friend

This is my friend Ryan. Our Mommies have been friends for a long time. They talk on the phone every day about all the new things that we do. Well Ryan and I finally got together for a play date. I cant wait until we can play again.

Eating Solid Foods

Mommy finally gave me solid foods. My favorites things to eat are carrots, peas, and bananas. Mommy says that i am a messy eater.